The newly-arrived Galaxy S23 series got the February Security update recently. This new update has brought a new feature with it.

IMG: Samsung

Let us inform you we recently found a new option in our Galaxy device, which appeared right after installing the February update.

First, unlock your smartphone. Long press on the ‘Home Screen’. Choose the ‘Widgets’ option.

– There you can see an ‘Android S Easter Egg’ option; choose it. – Now a ‘Paint Chips (1×1)’ option will appear; tap on it.

– Later on, a wide list of color options- with color bricks with their respective color code will come to your screen.  – Now tap on the wishful color brick.

– After tapping, the option of sharing will appear.  – Share it with anyone you want.

Informatively, you can share these color options with any you want through various social platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Messages, Messenger, and others.

IMG: Samsung

Not only that, but you can even copy them or keep them in Samsung Notes too.

IMG: Samsung