
The market gap between Samsung and TSMC got increased in the Q3




The semiconductor market is one of the major equity of Samsung. But from last year, the semiconductor market of Samsung has fallen with a huge acceleration. Consequently, in the Foundry market, the gap between the South Korean manufacturer Samsung and Taiwanese manufacturer TSMC has expanded more than before in the third quarter of this year. For information, this year, Samsung secured only 15.5 percent of the total market shares in Q3. Let’s take a brief look at Samsung’s market graph for the current year.

According to Taiwanese market research firm TrendForce, Samsung’s market shares increased by 18.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2021. However, it was no good because, by the first quarter of 2022, the company had seen a huge market low with a 16.3 percent decline. Afterward, the market fell by 16.5 percent and 16 percent, respectively, in the second and third quarters of this year. Therefore, its sales also went down by 0.1 percent as compared to the previous quarter, with sales of a total of 5.584 billion USD.


Coming to TSMC, its market rose from 52.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2021 to 56.1 percent in the third quarter of 2022. Consequently, its shares increased by 2.7 percentage points this time, as compared to the previous quarter. Similarly, in this third quarter, its sales also reached 20.163 billion USD to 18.145 billion USD, with an 11.1 percent increase from the Q2 of 2022. TrendForce has stated regarding these market scenarios, “Most of the foundry companies were affected by a decrease in customer orders, but TSMC enjoyed a big increase in order inflow due to strong demand for new iPhones.” It clearly shows that the decrease in Samsung’s market shares appeared because of the lower consumer demand.



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