Apps & Services

Samsung Galaxy Store In-App Payments Temporarily Suspended

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Samsung Galaxy users, especially those who use the Galaxy Store regularly, here is noticeable news for you. In-app payment services within the Galaxy Store are temporarily suspended. 

The Galaxy Store is the official app store of Samsung, which offers apps, games, exclusive themes, and other customizations for Galaxy smart devices. But for now, the Galaxy Store is temporarily suspended due to a payment system upgrade. This means you can’t use the app store seamlessly and flawlessly currently. 

This suspension directly affects the in-app payments and new subscription service; this suggests that you can’t buy any new apps, paid themes, or even new subscriptions during the suspension schedule. The suspension schedule will run from June 26, 2024, 23:00 to June 27, 01:00 (GMT). However, the suspension schedule could be changed since it depends on work hours. 

During the scheduled work and suspension, item purchases, new subscription sign-ups, and participation in some promotions are prohibited. However, you can use games and subscription services that the user already has that can be used normally. You will be able to purchase paid content, paid applications, themes, and fonts as usual. 

Samsung officially informed us regarding this suspension and also claimed that it would do its best to provide users with stable service. Also, if you have any queries regarding this or are facing any inconveniences, you can share your view on the official site of the company. 

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