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Samsung Enhances SmartThings with Matter 1.2 and Updated Control Panel

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Samsung is upgrading its SmartThings era by adding more convenient and advanced compatibility and functionalities, as it is introducing Matter 1.2 support for smart home control. 

Samsung’s SmartThings will soon get an upgraded version, as the giant has announced that it is looking forward to including Matter 1.2 support. This will take your smart home to new heights, as new functionality will permit you to control almost everything you have connected to your network. 

The report says the latest update, Matter 1.2, will make smart home management easier. This version builds on the basic, fundamental capabilities of controlling devices outside of a set ecosystem. The brand has announced that SamrtThings has now been certified for the Matter 1.2 SDK. The devices listed above and others are now compatible with Matter and are set up via SmartThings. 

The early adoption meant that devices like lightbulbs and switches could be controlled since they only needed an “on” or “off” state to be conveyed through Matter’s data highways. Whereas the Korean giant makes advanced technological appliances, their necessity depends on users adopting the SamrtThigns ecosystem. This limits their earnest request since not everyone wants to be locked into a specific platform. 

Matter 1.2 will permit those devices to be utilized in ecosystems such as Google Home or Apple HomeKit. Alongside those changes, Samsung is also rolling out shareable routines and changing the Device Control UI on Galaxy devices. According to the company, the new UI will house bigger device cards and have the ability to create new home pages that house just the devices users want. 

However, the Korean giant has yet to mention exactly when a new Device Control page will be available or show off the new UI. It’s also not clear if this new design will arrive with a new version of Android, a One UI update, or something else. 

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