
Samsung to adopt virtual buttons for the Galaxy devices

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For a long time, no revolutionary technology has been implemented for Android devices. Now, in the next few days, Samsung will take a huge step to eradicate the need for physical keys from smartphones and replace them with virtual buttons.

Samsung’s Vision of the Future: A Smartphone with Virtual Buttons

Samsung recently filed a new patent, which revealed that the company is registering new innovative technology. “Virtual Buttons” Keyless smartphones can be the next big thing in the market.

According to the information retrieved from the patent images, the company has revealed a new concept: its phone will not need any physical keys. As you now control the volume and booting of your phone, these keys may be eradicated from future phones.

In the coming days, we will see a new standard of phones where users can control all the physical keys’ functions with the help of touch-sensitive sensors. This means that to control the volume and booting of the phone, the user will need to press the device in a particular space.

It is expected that Samsung could design these sensors to observe the different levels of pressure to detect because if there is no pressure detection possible, then the user will accidentally touch it without noticing.

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