Google revamping the Android Auto settings menu

The Californian tech giant Google has recently released its Coolwalk redesign for the Android Auto application. It has been currently released as a beta update only. This long-awaited redesign has not only changed the in-car UI, but they have completely modernized the settings menu of the latest Android Auto in full Material You style. Its overall design hasn’t changed since the year 2020, but now the interface has finally got a newer look.
Let you know that this application’s latest version (7.5) has brought a dark theme together, which became possible with the Material You design. Albeit this new settings menu is not available for everyone yet, but the 9to5Google team has got its beta activated and provided its first look for us. As it has the support of Material You, now Android Auto will also be able to switch between light and dark themes and provide a much neater look.

However, as we have mentioned above, this update currently is not available for everyone; unfortunately, it is still unclear when the Californian giant will start rolling out these updates globally. But as the “Coolwalk” redesign is now available in beta, we are expecting a wide debut of these two together. Other information regarding it will only be confirmed with its global roll-out; until then, keep checking the website to get frequent updates.