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Google works on the clear theme for Coolwalk in Android Auto

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Android Auto is Google’s answer to the famous Apple CarPlay. The app essentially allows Android users to control their car’s functions with their smartphone. It’s a great way to stay connected while you’re on the go and avoid having to take your eyes off the road.

With the release of Android Auto 8.x, Google has revamped its interface and added some new features to make using your smartphone in a car even more convenient. Coolwalk is one of the many companies that has jumped on board this new trend, and they have made it clear with their latest product launch that they are looking to take over the automotive industry. With sleek designs and an intuitive user interface, Coolwalk seems poised to take over from CarPlay as the standard in mobile integration for drivers.

Android Auto Coolwalk Clear Theme

Weekly Android Auto updates have been released by Google recently to show how hard it is working on its Android platform for drivers. In fact, the Android Auto beta 8.9 that was released a few days ago is already accessible in a stable version.

As the rollout of the new Coolwalk interface proceeds without too much haste, the next news is already coming, particularly a clear UI theme.

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Currently, Android Auto does not offer an option to switch to a clear theme, which in some situations is preferable to the dark one, but according to some reports, it seems that Google is working on a bright theme.

A Reddit user has managed to activate an unprecedented clear design of Android Auto’s Coolwalk interface that currently looks like the image below.

The clear theme is currently only used on the navigation bar and suggestion tabs, as seen in the image and as further explained by the post’s author. The rest of the interface consists of a mix of grey backgrounds for the settings and black backgrounds for the phone app, multimedia, messaging apps, and navigation app menu.

Additionally, the colors are inconsistent, and currently, switching from bright to dark mode and vice versa has no effect on the UI in any manner.

Therefore, it is obvious that this implementation is still in its infancy, but at least it shows that Google is working on a distinct theme for Coolwalk.

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