Apps & Services

Samsung Confirms Multi-Frame Enhancements in Upcoming Expert RAW Update

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Samsung Galaxy devices consist of a plentiful supply of some of the amazing apps and services that significantly help users to have a next-level experience, while the Expert Raw is one of them. The app is very useful and allows users to use their phone’s camera functions to their full potential; however, users have some complaints regarding the Expert RAW’s functionality and image processing. 

It’s been a while; users have been facing the overexposure of their images while shooting in Expert RAW 24 MP auto mode. Also, nothing is getting improved, and Expert RAW auto mode is not processing the images well. 

To which Samsung has analyzed the situation deeply and substantiated improvements to the Expert RAW’s multi-frame functionality and confirmed to fix it in the next version. 

It’s been reported that while capturing photos using the Expert RAW’s auto mode, the images are getting overexposed, while Samsung’s camera-in-charge acknowledged and analyzed the inconvenience and stated that the photos were captured when the phone was overheated, and this led Expert RAW to only acquire single frames instead of multi-frame shooting. 

Thus, in the entire process, the saturation suppression was not performed by the expert RAW, resulting in overexposure. 

Samsung’s official further claims that some additional optimizations will be performed regarding this Expert RAW inconvenience to always acquire multi-frames and process them nicely by adding certain modifications that will be included in the upcoming Expert RAW update version. 

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