Apps & Services

Google to probably merge Maps’ Location Sharing into Android’s settings menu

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At times, the real-time location sharing feature helps when you get stuck in a weird location and need emergency help. Google, on the other hand, integrated the location sharing feature within Google Maps that provided a little more convenience when navigating through the Maps. Meanwhile, it’s in the news that Google might be planning to merge location sharing options into Android phones settings menu. 

Moreover, a few leaks suggest that Google is working on making it easier to manage real-time location sharing among Google apps and services on Android devices. 

Not only to manage, the company is probably aiming to simplify location sharing by creating dedicated settings controls underneath Android’s settings menu. On all Android apps that significantly support this feature, users will be able to turn on or off location sharing while also having an option to eliminate with whom they wanted their location to be shared. 

Additionally, users will even get a dedicated button that will automatically generate a link to smoothen the sharing of location, while tapping on the link will allow users to easily track the location. 

While once the location sharing feature is turned on, a notification will pop up stating users that they are sharing their location, with a shortcut to the settings menu, eliminating the hassle of setting the feature for services like Google account history, search location, device’s time zone, and much more. 

Thus, from now on, Android users, including Samsung Galaxy phones, will probably have a new location sharing setting in the Google Play Services instead of a location sharing menu. Also, when it will be available, it’s expected that these new dedicated location sharing settings controls could be accessible in Android’s settings and Google along with all of its services.


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