Samsung Hints Popup-Minimizing Feature in One Hand Operation+
Samsung One Hand Operation+ provides unique functionality to Galaxy users; they can complete various tasks with only one hand. To make it possible, the company has optimized its software to support almost all the applications that are open in the popup view. Now, for more convenience, some users are demanding a new feature to minimize them.
According to a user, if the company provides the minimize button for the popup window, it will give them the them the convenience to manage them and give them the power to individually remove them from the screen and open them quickly.
As of now, when you want to remove the popup window from the screen, you tap on the home button, but it closes all the windows, including the active one, which ruins the experience of multitasking.
Now, after taking it as a request, the community moderator has said that the request to minimize the feature will be taken into consideration and may be provided with the next update, but he hasn’t confirmed that the feature will come in the next update.
For more clarification, you can check the official statement: “We will review the requested pop-up view minimization feature and, if possible, add it in the next update. Please understand that we cannot give a definitive answer as to whether or not features will be added.”
If you also use the popup window functionality on your devices, then you may also need the minimize option to properly control it, and then keep the One Hand Operation+ plugin up to date. May it provide the desired feature in the next update?