Apps & Services

Google Messages RCS Disabled on Rooted, Custom Android ROMs

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Google Messages provides the unique functionality of RCS messaging, which offers a more secure environment for making dynamic conversations than the traditional SMS and MMS services. However, according to the information, the functionality is not working for the users who are running rooted or custom ROM-flashed devices.

According to the information, the users who are using the rooted phones are able to pass the verification, but then the RCS (rich communication services) is not working. Some reports are claiming that when tapping on the send button, the messages disappear.

At first sight, it looks like it may be an error related to the network, but at the time of the message disappearing, there is no error message found, like usually arrives in some cases. For example, when the Google wallet fails, it shows an error message, which indicates something went wrong. 

However, Google has also confirmed during the conversation with 9to5Google that it has tuned on the safety mechanism that prevents phones from using RCS, which makes spamming restricted.

It is worth noticing that the RCS issue was particularly prevalent in late November and is creating prevents from that month; however, those who have rooted the phone on their own have also got the fix that makes easily by passing this safety feature, which seems to be responsible for providing the RCS access.

In case you don’t know about the benefits of RCS, here are some of them: with the RCS message, you can send messages in unlimited carectores; it provides you the ability to send high-resolution photos and videos; and it allows you to send larger files like PDFs and work documents, among many others. 

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