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Android 14

Android 14: A Faster, More Efficient Operating System



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Android 14’s stable release in the first week of the month has greatly enhanced some functions. Starting with the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, several pixel devices are getting their newer operating system on the way. With every passing day, there is a great response from the Pixel users who have installed the software and given it a try in the new, improved Android environment. Recently, the company updated the data on the Android Developers Blog, giving us a chance to learn about some new features in terms of performance and efficiency.

Google has brought a list of four main changes of Android 14

  • Freezing cached applications: Cached apps may operate with a little bit of freedom before Android 14. Applications that are cached are given no CPU time in Android 14 after a brief period of time. Cached processes use up to 50% fewer CPU cycles on Android 14 Beta populations than on Android 13 public devices, as per the tested observations. Background work is therefore not permitted outside of the standard Android app lifecycle APIs, such as foreground services, JobScheduler, or WorkManager.
  • Optimized broadcasts: The new operating system changes how apps receive context-recorded transmissions once they reach the caching state, allowing certain broadcasts to be queued and others to be combined into a single broadcast in order to guarantee that prohibited programs remain blocked.
  • Faster app launches: With broadcast optimizations and cached apps on Android 14, it is possible to raise long-standing restrictions on the maximum number of cached apps that may be used by the platform, which resulted in a decrease in cold app starts that scales with the amount of RAM that is available on the device. 20% fewer cold app starts were seen by the beta group on 8GB devices, while over 30% fewer were observed on 12GB devices. In contrast to warm startups, cold startups are less efficient and use more electricity. Now, because of this innovation, both battery consumption and average app starting times are significantly faster.
  • Smaller memory footprint: The Android user experience is greatly impacted by the Android Runtime (ART) being improved. One of the most important metrics considered is the size of the generated code. Smaller generated files benefit memory, RAM, and storage more. The ART optimizations in Android 14 reduce code size by an average of 9.3% without affecting performance.

This will pave the way, as this version of OS did not seem to offer great changes at the start, but deeper examination reveals that a number of new features have been integrated to enhance user experiences.

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