Apps & Services

Google Phone App Testing FaceTime-Like Video Call Feature

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Google is preparing to bring more convenience to users by allowing them to easily do video calling via the Google phone dialer; however, the new feature is currently appearing in the testing application, so it will be available to limited users.

For your information, the direct video call feature will be connected to Google Meet, so when you tap on the video call button from the Google phone application, it will start connecting to the video call via Google Meet without doing any extra steps. This will work the same as Apple’s FaceTime feature, which is built into the iPhone dialer.

However, the new video call feature is only compatible if the user has also installed the Google Meet app on their phone, so if the user at the other end doesn’t have the Google Meet application, when you tap to video call, it will suggest you invite them to Google Meet.

The latest feature for Google Phone is currently in the beta phase and has arrived with the latest version 125.0.613053162 for pixel users, so it is currently available for limited users, but as it has arrived in the testing version, it is expected to be available for normal users in the next few days. 

If you want to try this feature right now, then you can enroll in the Google Phone beta program directly from the Google Play Store. Once you finish enrolling, you will get a new update that may bring the new feature to your device; however, it is not confirmed that every user will get the feature or not in the beta phase.


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