
iPhone 16 to Feature Samsung New OLED Display Technology

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The two great leaders of OLED display, Samsung and LG, allegedly approached Apple to demonstrate their micro-lens array (MLA) OLED display technology, according to the source, The Elec. This would drastically increase iPhone screens’ brightness while using the same amount of power. A microlens is used because it catches light, which increases the effectiveness of light extraction. A narrower viewing angle results from the increased light’s linearity, though. The Micro Lens Array (MLA), which is patterned after the eyes of a dragonfly, produces a pattern with 5,117 micro lenses per pixel for a total of 42.4 billion, allowing the internal lights to emerge from the screen to attain a ground-breaking degree of brightness around 2,100 nits.

With the same luminance, power consumption can be decreased compared to conventional OLED by improving light extraction efficiency with MLA. Samsung has already integrated MLA into five to six models where the Galaxy S series Ultra is included. And the OLED implementation was initiated with the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and supplied to Vivo after. There are no such chances of MLA being applied to OLEDs of small and medium sizes, so LG Display is applying it to the selected large white (W-OLED) for TVs. The manufacturing process for OLED and W-OLED is completely different, and it’s obvious as one is huge and the other is reserved for small and medium.

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Both have major differences, as the W-OLED has a bottom-emitting structure where light radiates in the direction of the substrate, while smartphone OLEDs, like the iPhone, have front-emitting structures where light radiates in the direction that is opposite from the substrate. If the iPhone 16 is employed with MLA technologies, then up to 30% more brightness can be added to the display with the aid of MLA. Also, MLA contributes to display power efficiency by increasing battery life. This technology may assist in lessening reflections on the display, which in turn enhances the viewing quality. Further, MLA can aid in raising the display’s scratch resistance.

However, advantages always accompany disadvantages, which include the fact that MLA introduces a minor degree of distortion that might reduce the quality of the display. MLA OLED panels require a more complex production process compared to conventional OLED panels, which may cause yield problems. But things need to be awaited before everything is finalized. 

Thanks to “Thelec

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