
Here’s The Reason Behind Your Smartphone’s Battery Drain

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Battery drain is the process of a battery losing voltage or energy. When looking for a new smartphone, generally the first thing customers ask for is good battery life. There are several reasons behind battery drainage as per the scenarios of smartphones.

Now the new studies are unveiling more regarding the battery drain or energy consumption of smartphones. Basically, a new study by the University of Pisa and the Institute of Informatics and Telematics at CNR is revealing that the latest version of the HTTP protocol is not always the most energy efficient.

Basically, the researchers aim to compare the energy consumption of smartphones and IoT gadgets while using several HTTP versions. Through this research, it has come to be known that while HTPP/3 can be well regulated in some particular scenes, for instance, transferring small amounts of data, it can basically consume at least 30% more energy than other variants while dealing with larger amounts of data transfers.

This research is worthy of attention since it helps developers building systems along with smartphones and IoT devices make informed choices that consider energy consumption and also introduces new research opportunities for developing intelligent algorithms that have the power to choose the high-powered, energy-efficient HTTP version based on several factors such as data size and network conditions.

In short, in this study, the University of Pisa and the Institute of Informatics and Telematics at CNR are just focusing attention on energy efficiency, which must be a remarkable consideration when choosing internet protocols, usually for battery-powered gadgets such as smartphones and IoT devices.

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