Google Discover makes an effort to offer suggestion in the feed

Based on users’ web and app activity, Google Search’s Discover feature presents material that is relevant to their interests. You don’t need to seek updates for your interests, like your preferred sports team or news website, when you use Discover. When using the Google app or your phone to browse the web, you may select the kinds of updates you wish to see in Discover. Now Google Discover is getting a new change of functionality; although it was previously feasible, it appears that Google is experimenting with a method to once again find the subject around an item.
It has been noticed that some articles now display a new footer for a few stories with distinct subjects in the Discover feed on the leftmost panel of the Pixel Launcher. You may get more information and articles about the subject by tapping the footers, which launches a Google search for the specific word mentioned. The footers fill the full screen instead of only following the Discover cards’ width, giving the impression that the project is still in its early phases. The new footers are now visible in the Discover feed of the Google App and Pixel Launcher, but some users are also seeing them in Google Chrome, suggesting that this is a slow rollout.
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Certain users have observed a new footer with suggested related stories on some articles in the Google Discover stream. Some might recognize this because Google used to provide a similar feature. In 2018, Google showcased “topic headers” for Discover, which appeared above article cards and allowed users to swipe through for additional information on that topic. These headers were intended to help users learn more while also providing openness over Google’s content selection.

Thanks to “Android Police“