Telegram to release new stories features in July
Telegram reveals that Stories adding features will be available in early July in their Telegram Application. Durov’s statement claims that users have been requesting this feature for years, noting that Stories account for more than half of all feature requests received by Telegram. CEO Pavel Durov unveiled a new feature called ‘Stories’ on the popular chat service.
Users will be able to control who may visit their stories using this feature. You may make your Stories visible to everyone, your contacts, a subset of your contacts, or a list of close friends according to your list. Stories will be featured at the top of your conversation list in an expanding area. Additionally, you can specify the time limit of your story’s presence. You can choose between six, twelve, twenty-four, or forty-eight hours to set your time to expire; automatically, your story will disappear after the mentioned time limit. Additionally, you can create highlights on your main profile page and add your story to it, just like on Instagram.
This functionality has been brought to enrich the Telegram messaging experience and to evolve the needs of its users. In terms of photo and video editing tools, the new Telegram stories feature will enable users to offer captions for their stories, provide links, and add context. Users will be able to tag other people in their tales, further boosting the feature’s participatory component. Users can also show their stories permanently on their profile page, with specific privacy settings, every time when they add a new story.
- Privacy. You will be able to define who can see each of your stories with granular precision: Everyone, only your contacts (with exceptions), a few selected contacts, or a list of Close Friends.
- Compact UI. Stories will be placed in an expandable section at the top of your chat list, which makes them easily accessible without taking away valuable space.
- Flexibility. It will be easy to hide Stories posted by any contact, moving them to the ‘Hidden’ list in your Contacts section instead of the main screen.
- Captions. In addition to making use of dozens of powerful photo and video-editing tools, you will be able to provide captions for your stories to add more context or links and tag other people.
- Dual Camera Support. Building on the success of Telegram’s Video Messages, we’re adding the option to post photos and videos taken by the front and the rear cameras simultaneously.
- Optional Ephemerality. You’ll be able to choose when a story expires – in 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours – or permanently display stories on your profile page, with individual privacy settings for each.
“The ability to save your stories to the profile page will make Telegram profiles more informative and colourful,” Durov wrote in his announcement post. “You will not only be able to explore more content from your closest contacts, but finally discover more information about users you connect with in groups or channel comments. Speaking of channels, they will benefit from more exposure and subscribers: once we launch the ability to repost messages from channels to stories, going viral on Telegram will become a lot easier.”