Apps & Services

Android Auto 10.5 beta now available: What’s new and how to get it

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Even though Android Auto isn’t Google’s most important product, the team at Google in Mountain View has been working on it for many months, regularly releasing updates. Just a little more than a week after launching Android Auto version 10.4, the Google team started rolling out the 10.5 beta version.

Let’s not forget that Android Auto is like a helpful assistant that Google has created for people who are driving. It helps them stay focused on the road and lets them use Google Assistant for things like music and talking to their friends.

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Android Auto 10.5 Beta: What’s New

The new version of the platform is called 10.5.1337 beta, and as usual, the developers at Google in Mountain View haven’t given us a list of the new things it does (they still talk about old new things like making the Do Not Disturb feature better and adding a Dark Mode, which they’ve been doing in different versions).

But they probably fixed some problems and made the whole system better, so it should be a better experience for users. If you want to get the latest test versions of Android Auto, you can go to APK Mirror (use this link). You’ll find the specific version, 10.5.1337 beta, there. You can also get the latest regular version of the app from the Google Play Store.

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