Galaxy WatchNews

Samsung could unveil new Healthcare app for Galaxy Watch 6/5/4 in the US

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Samsung is busy reaching out with One UI and 6.1 updates to its smartphone and tablet users, but that doesn’t mean it has left out its focus on its Galaxy Watches, as it is also working on the other side to bring up updates to its smart watches.

For a very long time, there were talks regarding Samsung bringing healthcare features to the Galaxy Watch series, and now we have the information on that. It is said that Samsung will be collaborating with a US-based company for the purpose of bringing a personal health care service app to its Galaxy watches. There is a new health data application that the South Korean tech is working on, most likely for Wear OS wearables, as per a blog post from the group.

The most recent Galaxy smart watches from the Galaxy Watch 6, 5, and 4 series are expected to receive this feature. Personalized healthcare services, condition-specific alerts, monitoring, and blood oxygen level management are just a few of the features that Samsung and a US company are working on creating into new healthcare software for the Galaxy smartwatches. More precise healthcare features are the ones that people these days need the most. Also, these features are something that the users have requested for a long time.

However, as of now, all of this is nothing but speculation, and the accepted time frame for that level of this update is also unknown.

There are chances that this new application for the Galaxy watches will be available along with the One UI 6.1 update. According to rumors, the Unpacked Galaxy event in January 2024 is expected to unveil these features for the launch of the Galaxy S24 series.

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