Apps & Services

WhatsApp adds passkeys support: passwordless logins are here

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WhatsApp was made to provide easy communication between people with more privacy for users. This is why the company has made the phone number compulsory to link with the account so it can be easy to track the real users and make them able to communicate with other users who have exchanged their numbers with each other, and still it is following the same tradition. However, in the past few updates, the application has received several new features.

In the last update, WhatsApp has received several new features, like channelsshort video message sharing, and many more. For further development, WhatsApp is introducing a new security feature called a passkey function, which will make it more convenient to open the account.

It was first spotted in August, when WhatsApp teased the feature by making changes under the functions; however, the WhatsApp team brought the feature for testing in September, and it was given to beta users. After taking all the feedback from the users, the company has now officially expanded the new feature publicly.

Passwords are a new standard for safety; they replace passwords with unique alphanumeric cryptographic codes associated with each device, which are used to ensure that only the legitimate owner can log in. This key is saved on the device, which also eliminates the use of two-factor authentication such as OTP codes via SMS or email.

Moreover, the main feature of the new Passkey function is that you will not have to give a password to login even if you reinstall the application. As far as safety concerns go, it is also safer than a traditional account login because it will be stored in the official Google account, which will protect you from the dangers of password reuse and phishing.

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