Samsung Members Service Downtime Scheduled for May 28th
Samsung Members lets you discover just what you want, from connecting with other users, sharing a wealth of information, and indulging in several perks to exploring various device tips and experts’ support, among many more. However, this service is going to be temporarily suspended for one day.
Samsung Members service regular users, here’s a piece of essential information for you: this service will be temporarily suspended on May 28, 2024, which means tomorrow, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (GMT +5:30) for server maintenance. It is recommended not to leave your work pending for tomorrow since it will not work.
During the maintenance period, Samsung Members may experience disruption from 10:30 a.m. to 10:35 a.m. noticeably, please be advised that the schedule is potentially to change based on conventional conditions. This is being speculated from a notice dropped by a Samsung Members service via the Samsung Members Team. Although the team also mentioned hearty apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, we appreciate your understanding.
Samsung Members is available on the Galaxy Store or Google Play Store. It can help you detect potential issues with your phone by conducting diagnostic tests and offering valuable troubleshooting tips.