
Samsung holds 20% of market shares in Q4, 2022, tops in that league

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The reports of the 4th Quarter’s smartphone shipments show that the shipments have fallen by 9% on-year on the Indian Smartphone market and shipped a total of 152 million units only in the year 2022. As per the reports, in 4Q22, the South Korean tech firm Samsung attained first place with the maximum percentage of market shares. So, let’s move on to the complete report. 

Samsung got the first place with 20% of total market shares 

According to the report from EconomicsTimes, this time in the year 2022, the Indian smartphone market has seen the second annual decline in smartphone shipments, which was first seen during the Covid-19 pandemic in the year 2020. Coming back to the 4Q22 report, this time, the Indian smartphone market has shipped mostly Samsung-manufactured Galaxy smartphones. 

In particular, the South Korean firm has a hold on a total of 20% of the total market share, which is more than any other OEM. In the 2nd position, there is Vivo with a total of 18% shares, and Xiaomi has secured third place with 18%. Albeit, Q4’s third ranker has got the first place in overall 2022’s shipments with a total of 20% shares. In the 2nd and 3rd place, there are Samsung and Vivo with 19% and 16% shares, respectively. 

The market has got no effect on it

However, the Indian smartphone market struggled with a drastic shipment fall, but thankfully, it didn’t affect the market revenue. The revenue remained the same because of Samsung’s shipment growth, specifically because of its premium smartphone devices. In terms of revenue hold, Samsung is again in first place with 20% shares. Besides, Apple also played a huge role in this revenue balancing and secured 2nd place.

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