Apps & Services

Google Play Store Changes App Rating System 

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The Google Play Store is obviously a crucial aspect of the Android operating system in all of its versions. Google Play, often known as the Play Store, is Google’s mobile platform’s official app store. You may use the Play Store to search for and download Android applications, music, and live wallpapers. Through offering several applications and programs to users, the Google Play Store is standing steady as the major source of strength for the Android operating system. For individuals who own smartphones and tablets that are powered by Android, all genres of applications that enhance their day-to-day activities, such as health, music, books, and games, are brought under one roof through the Play Store.

Now the Google Play Store’s app rating system has undergone a change, which was reported by AssembleDebug (@AssembleDebug), the page that unveils the features of Google Apps. The new feature is none other than the rating slider, but this feature isn’t something that will benefit the users; it just can be said to be a change. A video has also been shared that showcases the feature in a detailed view, which will certainly make it more pleasurable for consumers to rate each and every application they test.

The enormous quantity of applications and games available on the Google Play Store necessitates the continuous improvement of systems designed to assist users in juggling between the many titles of fundamental importance. This rating slider functionality appears to have debuted with the Google Play Store version 37.6.24. The Google Play Store not only gives many wonderful applications, widgets, and e-books, but it also provides various additional items to Android users that are quite beneficial.

There are several suggestions for Android users that will assist them in controlling the settings and configurations of their mobile sets in such a manner that they will allow better downloads and handle other aspects of the set in a much better way.

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